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Pre-Sale Home Repairs

Category: Roof Inspections, Roof Maintenance • September 29, 2021

Whether you’re ready to put your house on the market now or planning to do so in the near future, it’s a good idea to tackle some repairs before the photographer, prospective buyers, and home inspector show up. Doing so will not only make your home more appealing, but it can also help avoid problems during the inspection process and, ultimately get you top dollar at the closing table.

Here are 10 defects to take care of before listing your home

Patch holes and cracks. Large holes and cracks in ceilings, walls, doors, and so on can raise a red flag to would-be buyers. While some might be easy to fix with a little drywall compound and a putty knife, others might require the tools and expertise of an experienced drywaller or carpenter.



Update or repair appliances. If your washer and dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, or stove are relics or in ill repair, the smart move is to replace them. A new suite of appliances is a great selling feature and helps make your home more move-in ready. If, however, an appliance needs a minor repair, take the time to have that done prior to listing.

Perform HVAC maintenance. In addition to routinely changing air filters every 8 weeks or so, schedule annual preventive maintenance for your HVAC system to ensure it’s operating at peak performance. Your licensed HVAC professional might even spot a problem or two in the making that you may opt to have repaired.

Replace door handles and knobs. Sure, a sticky door handle is a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but small repairs might make a potential buyer wonder if the big stuff has been ignored as well.

Repair or replace faucets. A slight leak at the handle can create unsightly water spots and foster mold growth – not to mention the annoyance of the constant drip and increase in the water bill.

Update faceplates. This simple fix can be accomplished quickly with nothing more than a screwdriver. Over time, faceplates can become cracked, chipped, and be painted over. Install new covers for a unified look or change them to match a room or tile color.

Replace missing, damaged, or outdated smoke alarms. The National Fire Protection Association recommends installing a smoke alarm on each floor of a home plus one in every bedroom or outside each sleeping area so that people are awakened in the event of a fire. This quick fix will benefit your family now and future buyers, too.

Repair water damage. Water damage can be caused by several factors including plumbing leaks, roof leaks, faulty water-using appliances, high humidity, cracks in the foundation, and more. Before repairing the damaged area, find and fix the source of the problem to prevent future issues.

Fix faulty wiring. Lights that dim when a blow dryer is turned on, switches that emit a burning odor, or outlets that spark when an appliance is plugged in all point to electrical issues. Contact a professional electrician and get the problems fixed pronto to protect your home, family, and future owners.

Make exterior siding and roof repairs. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, especially if that impression is ruined by damaged, loose, or missing roofing shingles and siding. Even if your roof is newer or in good condition, schedule a roofing inspection to make sure all shingles are securely in place, flashing is in good repair, and there are no signs of water intrusion.

Speaking of roofing inspections, repair, and replacement, we are Zaman Roofing – at your service. We are one of Central Connecticut’s most trusted and licensed contractors as our many 5-star reviews will attest to. Contact us today for prompt and dependable service.